Q189: I'd like to display the price in the reservation form in a different area.

You are here: checkin24-7 » Help » Frequently Asked Questions » Q189: I'd like to display the price in the reservation form in a different area.
By default the price in the reservation form is placed at the bottom, just before the Reserve button. You can easily move the price anywhere you like on your page by creating an element with the ID checkin24-7_price_holder, e.g.:
. This element can have any style, such as fixed position so it's always visible independently of the scrollbar position.

If you want this to be displayed within the reservation form template (e.g. below the calendar preview), you can also use the $(your_rate_box) tag in the reservation form template. This will insert a 'your rate' box formatted in the same way as the default box (full width, 'your rate' text and grey background).